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What are the mortar production technologies? - NFLG Dry Mortar Plant Supplier

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What are the mortar production technologies?

August 14, 2023 jinchen 0 Comments

Mortar is the basic raw material for building any building, so how is mortar produced? What mortar production technologies are there? Mortar can be better understood by understanding mortar production technology. This article is to introduce articles about mortar production technology.

Dry-mixed Mortar Production

a photo of Mortar production technologies

Dry-mixed mortar, also known as dry mortar, is a pre-mixed blend of cementitious materials, aggregates, and additives stored and transported in a dry state. It is designed to be mixed with water on-site before application. The production of dry-mixed mortar involves carefully proportioning and mixing the ingredients to create a consistent and ready-to-use product.

Steps and Process of Dry-Mixed Mortar Production

Raw Material Handling and Storage

Cement, aggregates, additives, and other components are stored separately. Aggregates are often pre-screened and stored to ensure uniformity.

Proportioning and Mixing

Precise quantities of each ingredient are measured and combined in a controlled manner. Mixing can be done in batch or continuous mixing equipment, ensuring thorough distribution of materials.

Blending and Homogenization

The mixture is blended to achieve homogeneity. This step ensures that all components are evenly distributed, resulting in consistent properties throughout the batch.

Packaging and Storage

The final dry mortar mixture is packaged in bags or containers. Proper packaging ensures protection from moisture and environmental conditions that could impact the mortar’s performance.

Advantages of Dry-Mixed Mortar Production

Ease of Use

Contractors and users need to add water to the dry mortar mixture on-site. This reduces the need for complex mixing equipment and minimizes the potential for human error.

Reduced Waste

Dry-mixed mortar is produced in controlled quantities, reducing the risk of over-mixing or waste commonly associated with on-site mixing.

Customization and Specialization

Dry-mixed mortar production facilities can create specialized blends tailored to specific applications, such as tiling, plastering, or masonry.

Storage and Shelf Life

Dry mortar has a longer shelf life compared to traditional wet mixes, reducing the risk of material wastage due to spoilage.

Reduced Environmental Impact

Precise production and reduced waste contribute to environmentally friendly construction practices.

Quality Control

The production process allows for comprehensive quality control measures to be implemented, ensuring that the final product meets performance standards.

Wet-mixed Mortar Production

a photo of Mortar production technologies

Wet-mixed mortar production involves the on-site or centralized mixing of various ingredients, including cement, aggregates, water, and additives, to create a ready-to-use mortar mixture. Unlike dry-mixed mortar, where the ingredients are pre-mixed and stored in a dry state, wet-mixed mortar is mixed with water just before application.

Steps of Wet-Mixed Mortar Production

Ingredient Proportioning

Cement, aggregates, and additives are proportioned according to the desired mix design. The ratios are determined based on the specific application requirements.


The ingredients are mixed using mechanical mixing equipment, such as drum mixers, pan mixers, or batch mixers. Water is added gradually to achieve the desired consistency.

Testing and Adjustment

The freshly mixed mortar is tested for workability, consistency, and other properties. Adjustments can be made by adding more water or dry ingredients as needed.


Once the mortar reaches the desired properties, it is immediately applied to the construction surface. This could involve various tasks like bricklaying, plastering, or masonry work.

Advantages of Wet-Mixed Mortar Production

Flexibility and Customization

Wet-mixed mortar can be adjusted on-site to account for specific project conditions and preferences.

Immediate Use

Wet-mixed mortar is ready for immediate application, eliminating the need for additional water mixing on-site.

Better Workability

Wet-mixed mortar often exhibits better initial workability due to the thorough mixing of water and other ingredients.

Adaptable to Weather Conditions

Wet-mixed mortar can be modified in real-time to account for temperature and humidity, ensuring optimal curing conditions.

Quality Control

On-site mixing allows for direct quality control during the mixing process, reducing the risk of variations and ensuring consistency.

Variable Batch Sizes

Wet-mixed mortar can be produced in different batch sizes based on the specific requirements of the project.

Automated Mortar Production

a photo of Mortar production technologies

Automation technology has revolutionized modern mortar production by introducing advanced machinery, control systems, and data management to streamline and optimize the production process. This technology automates various stages of mortar manufacturing, from ingredient handling and mixing to packaging and quality control.

Advantages of Automation in Mortar Production

Consistency and Quality Assurance

Automation ensures precise ingredient proportioning, mixing, and blending, resulting in consistent and high-quality mortar products.

Reduced Human Error

Automation minimizes the risk of human errors in measuring, mixing, and other manual tasks, leading to improved product accuracy and reliability.

Efficiency and Productivity

Automated systems operate at higher speeds and with minimal downtime, leading to increased production efficiency and throughput.

Optimized Resource Utilization

Automation technology optimizes the use of raw materials, reducing waste and ensuring economical production.

Real-Time Monitoring and Control

Automated systems allow for real-time monitoring of key parameters, enabling rapid adjustments to maintain consistent quality.

Data Collection and Analysis

Automation systems collect and store data on production processes, facilitating analysis for continuous improvement and quality optimization.

Customization and Flexibility

Automation can be programmed to produce different mortar formulations, enabling easy customization for various applications.

Predictive Maintenance

Some automation systems offer predictive maintenance capabilities, helping to prevent unexpected equipment failures and minimizing downtime.

Batch Production vs. Continuous Production

a photo of Mortar production technologies

Batch Production

Batch production is a manufacturing approach where products are produced in separate batches, with each batch going through all stages of the production process before the next batch begins. This method is common for products that have some level of customization or variation in their specifications.

Characteristics of Batch Production

Limited Quantity: Each batch consists of a specific quantity of products, often determined by factors such as demand or production capacity.

Changeover Time: There is a changeover time between batches as equipment and processes are adjusted to produce the next batch.

Intermediate Storage: Products from each batch may be stored temporarily before moving to the next production stage or final packaging.

Moderate Automation: Batch production can involve automation, but it is not as continuous as in continuous production systems.

Quality Control: Quality control can be done on each batch separately, allowing for specific adjustments to ensure consistent quality.

Continuous Production

Continuous production, also known as continuous manufacturing, involves the non-stop production of goods or materials. It is characterized by a constant flow of raw materials through various stages of production, resulting in a constant output.

Characteristics of Continuous Production

Uninterrupted Flow: Continuous production operates without interruptions, and raw materials flow seamlessly through the production process.

High Efficiency: Continuous production is designed for efficiency, minimizing downtime and transitions between production stages.

Consistent Output: The output is stable and steady, with products produced in a constant stream.

High Capital Investment: The setup of continuous production requires significant initial capital investment in specialized equipment and systems.

Process Stability: Continuous production relies on stable processes, with adjustments made to maintain consistent output and quality.

Key Differences

Production Approach: Batch production produces a finite quantity of products in separate batches, while continuous production maintains a constant flow of materials and output.

Customization: Batch production allows for customization and adjustments between batches, making it suitable for products with variations. Continuous production focuses on producing identical products continuously.

Changeover Time: Batch production involves changeover time between batches, while continuous production operates with minimal interruptions.

Automation: Continuous production heavily relies on automation to maintain a seamless flow, while batch production can involve varying levels of automation.

Quality Control: Batch production allows for separate quality control for each batch, while continuous production emphasizes stable processes to maintain consistent quality.

The choice between batch production and continuous production depends on factors such as product type, demand variability, required customization, and the level of automation available.

Quality Control in Mortar Production

a photo of Mortar production technologies

Quality control is of paramount importance in mortar production due to its direct impact on the performance, durability, and safety of construction projects. Poorly controlled mortar production can lead to structural failures, reduced durability, and increased maintenance costs.

Structural Integrity: Quality-controlled mortar ensures the structural integrity of buildings and structures, preventing issues like cracking, spalling, and collapse.

Durability: Well-produced mortar withstands environmental factors, freeze-thaw cycles, and chemical exposure, leading to longer-lasting structures.

Safety: Quality-controlled mortar minimizes the risk of accidents and failures during construction and throughout the lifespan of a structure.

Performance: Mortar with consistent properties ensures that buildings meet expected performance standards, such as load-bearing capacity and fire resistance.

Cost Savings: Investing in quality control upfront prevents costly repairs, replacements, and remediation work later.

Regulatory Compliance: Many construction standards and regulations require adherence to specific mortar quality standards.

Innovative Mortar Production Methods

a photo of Mortar production technologies

Innovations in mortar production technologies have been driven by the need for more efficient, sustainable, and high-performance construction materials. Here are some innovative mortar production technologies that have emerged:

Advanced Mixing Techniques

High-shear mixers and shear-thinning mixers enable better dispersion of additives and improved workability. Ultrasonic and microwave-assisted mixing techniques are being explored for enhanced hydration and reactivity.


Adding nanomaterials like nano-silica or nano clay can improve mortar properties, including strength, durability, and permeability, by enhancing particle packing and reactivity.

Self-Healing Mortar

Researchers are developing mortars with self-healing capabilities. Microcapsules filled with healing agents are embedded, and when cracks form, the capsules rupture, releasing healing agents that mend the cracks.

Foamed Mortar

Incorporating air-entraining agents or using foaming agents can produce lightweight, insulating, and sound-absorbing mortars suitable for specific applications.

Recycled Materials

Using recycled aggregates, such as crushed concrete or glass, can reduce the demand for virgin resources and contribute to sustainable mortar production.

Robotics and Automation

Robotics and automation are being integrated into mortar production lines to enhance efficiency, reduce human error, and enable precise material handling.

These innovative technologies are reshaping the way mortars are produced, enhancing their properties, sustainability, and overall performance. As the construction industry continues to evolve, these advancements will play a significant role in meeting the demands of modern construction practices.

Mortar production technology stands at the crossroads of tradition and innovation. From the age-old practice of blending basic ingredients to the cutting-edge realm of automation and nanotechnology, the process continually evolves to meet the needs of modern construction. This is the whole introduction to mortar production technology in this article, and I hope it can help everyone. At the same time, there are other excellent articles on our website, you are welcome to continue to browse.

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