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Introduction of 7 kinds of mortar raw materials - NFLG Dry Mortar Plant Supplier

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Introduction of 7 kinds of mortar raw materials

August 11, 2023 jinchen 0 Comments

Mortar is the foundation of the construction industry, and any building is inseparable from mortar, so high-quality mortar is a very important material. To make high-quality mortar, it is necessary to understand different mortar raw materials. This article is an article introducing 7 kinds of mortar raw materials.

Effect of mortar raw materials on mortar

The performance of mortar, a fundamental construction material, is intricately linked to the quality and composition of its raw materials. Raw materials like cement, aggregates, water, and additives collectively determine the essential attributes of mortar, such as strength, durability, workability, and setting characteristics. These components interact chemically and physically during mixing and curing, directly influencing how well the mortar performs in various construction applications.

Cement acts as the binding agent, and its type affects factors like strength development and resistance to environmental conditions. Aggregates, usually sand, provide bulk and contribute to properties like workability and bond strength. The proportion of water in the mix influences not only workability but also the final strength and shrinkage characteristics of the cured mortar. Additives and admixtures play a role in enhancing workability, modifying setting times, and improving durability.

The synergy between these raw materials determines the final mortar’s ability to withstand loads, resist weathering, and adhere to surfaces. Poor-quality raw materials or incorrect proportions can lead to suboptimal performance, including reduced strength, cracking, and premature deterioration.


a photo of Mortar raw materials

Different types of cement have distinct chemical compositions and properties, which significantly impact the performance of mortar.

Portland Cement

Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) is a common type used in mortar production. It offers good early strength development and durability. However, OPC tends to generate heat during hydration, which can lead to thermal cracking if not managed properly.

Blended Cement

Blended cement, such as Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) and Portland Slag Cement (PSC), incorporates supplementary materials like fly ash or slag. These cements enhance workability, reduce heat of hydration, and improve long-term durability, making them suitable for mass concrete and structures exposed to aggressive environments.

White Cement

White cement is used in applications where aesthetic appeal is crucial. It produces mortar with a light color, making it ideal for architectural and decorative elements. However, it may have slightly different setting characteristics compared to gray cement.

Rapid-Hardening Cement

Rapid-hardening cement is designed for projects requiring early strength gain. It is used when quick turnaround times are essential, such as for repairs or projects with limited construction windows.

Low Heat Cement

Low-heat cement generates less heat during hydration, minimizing the risk of thermal cracking. It’s suitable for massive concrete structures and in situations where heat buildup could be problematic.

Each type of cement has specific advantages and considerations that influence mortar performance.


a photo of Mortar raw materials

Aggregates are a fundamental component of mortar, contributing to its volume, strength, and durability.

Volume and Workability

Aggregates occupy a considerable portion of mortar’s volume. The size, shape, and gradation of aggregates influence mortar’s workability, or its ease of mixing, placing, and spreading. Well-graded aggregates with a mix of particle sizes enhance workability, allowing mortar to flow and bond effectively.

Strength and Bonding

Aggregates contribute to the mechanical properties of mortar, such as compressive and bond strength. Properly graded and well-distributed aggregates form a skeleton-like structure within the mortar, enhancing its strength and load-bearing capacity.

Durability and Porosity

The choice of aggregates impacts the mortar’s durability. Aggregates with high durability, resistance to weathering, and low porosity contribute to a mortar mix that can withstand environmental challenges like freeze-thaw cycles, chemical attacks, and moisture penetration.

Shrinkage and Cracking

Aggregates play a role in controlling shrinkage and cracking in mortar. Well-graded aggregates with appropriate particle sizes help mitigate shrinkage-related issues by providing internal restraint to the mortar as it cures.

Adhesion and Cohesion

Aggregates enhance the adhesion and cohesion properties of mortar. Their interaction with the binder, usually cement, forms a strong bond that prevents delamination and ensures good cohesion between mortar layers.

The careful selection of aggregates based on their quality, size distribution, and durability is essential to produce mortar with the desired strength, durability, workability, and appearance for various construction applications.


a photo of Mortar raw materials

The properties of sand, such as particle size, shape, and mineral composition, influence how mortar behaves and performs in construction applications.

Particle Size and Texture

Fine Sand: Fine sands with smaller particle sizes result in smoother mortar textures. The fine particles fill gaps between larger aggregates, creating a more compact mix. This type of sand is often used for plastering and finishing applications where a smooth surface is desired.

Coarse Sand: Coarser sands with larger particles contribute to a rougher texture in mortar. They can provide increased mechanical interlocking between particles, enhancing mortar’s grip on surfaces. Coarse sands are often used in applications like bricklaying for improved bond strength.

Shape of Sand Particles

Angular Sand: Angular sand particles tend to interlock better, contributing to improved strength and bonding in mortar. This shape can create a rougher texture.

Rounded Sand: Rounded sand particles may provide better workability due to reduced friction between particles. However, they might lead to a slightly weaker bond compared to angular particles.

Mineral Composition

Silica Sand: Silica sand is commonly used in mortar production due to its abundant availability and compatibility with cement. It offers good strength development and contributes to a consistent texture.

Manufactured Sand: Also known as crushed sand or crushed stone sand, this is produced by crushing larger rocks. It can offer specific properties based on its origin and particle shape, influencing both texture and strength.


Properly graded sand with a mix of particle sizes can enhance workability and reduce voids in the mortar mix. A balanced gradation contributes to both texture and strength.

The choice of sand should be made based on the specific requirements of the project, considering factors such as the desired finish, bond strength, workability, and the intended application of the mortar.


a photo of Mortar raw materials

As a key ingredient, water is essential for the hydration of cement particles, leading to a chemical reaction that transforms the mixture into a solid and durable material.

Hydration of Cement

When water is added to cement, it initiates a process known as hydration. Cement particles react chemically with water to form hydration products, including calcium silicate hydrates, which give mortar its strength and binding properties.

Setting and Hardening

Water controls the setting time of mortar, determining how quickly it transitions from a plastic state to a solid one. The hydration process gradually transforms the mixture into a solid mass with the desired strength and durability.

Water-Cement Ratio

The water-cement ratio, which is the ratio of water to cement by weight, directly affects the strength, durability, and shrinkage of mortar. Balancing this ratio is crucial to achieving optimal properties.

Shrinkage Control

The water content impacts the amount of shrinkage that occurs during the curing process. Adequate water helps control shrinkage, minimizing the potential for cracks.

Mixing and Application

Water is essential during the mixing of mortar to achieve proper homogenization. During application, water is used to wet surfaces and enhance the bond between the mortar and substrates.

The correct water-cement ratio, combined with precise measuring and mixing techniques, ensures that mortar maintains its structural integrity, durability, and overall quality in various construction applications.


a photo of Mortar raw materials

Additives play a crucial role in modifying and enhancing the properties of mortar. These specialized ingredients are added to the mortar mixture in controlled quantities to achieve specific desired outcomes.


Function: Plasticizers, also known as water-reducing agents, improve the workability and flow of mortar without significantly altering the water-cement ratio. They reduce the amount of water required for a desired consistency.

Benefits: Improved workability makes mixing, placing, and finishing easier. This can lead to better compaction, reduced segregation, and enhanced surface finish.


Function: Superplasticizers are advanced water-reducing agents that provide even greater workability improvement compared to standard plasticizers. They achieve this while maintaining the water-cement ratio and overall strength.

Benefits: Superplasticizers are used to create highly flowable, self-leveling mortars with minimal water content. They are particularly useful in applications where high workability is essential.

Air-Entraining Agents

Function: Air-entraining agents produce microscopic air bubbles in the mortar mix. These bubbles enhance freeze-thaw resistance by accommodating the expansion of water as it freezes, preventing internal cracking.

Benefits: Improved durability in harsh weather conditions, reduced risk of cracking due to freeze-thaw cycles, and enhanced workability.


Function: Retarders slow down the setting time of mortar, extending the time available for mixing, placing, and finishing. They are particularly useful in hot weather conditions.

Benefits: Greater flexibility in handling and application, reduced risk of premature setting, and improved workability over longer periods.


Function: Accelerators expedite the setting and early strength development of mortar. They are valuable in cold weather conditions when rapid curing is desired.

Benefits: Faster setting times, quicker strength gain, and reduced vulnerability to weather conditions that could impact the curing process.

These are just a few examples of the many types of additives used in mortar production. Each type of additive serves a specific purpose, and their careful use can help tailor mortar properties to meet project requirements, environmental conditions, and desired performance outcomes.


a photo of Mortar raw materials

Using lime in mortar offers several benefits that enhance its performance, workability, and durability.

Plasticity and Workability

Lime imparts plasticity to mortar, making it easier to mix, spread, and shape. This enhanced workability is particularly beneficial for intricate designs, ornamental work, and historical restoration.

Self-Healing and Flexibility

Lime mortar exhibits self-healing properties over time. It can close small cracks and gaps by forming calcium carbonate crystals through carbonation. This flexibility is valuable for structures that experience slight movements.

Improved Bond and Adhesion

Lime promotes better adhesion between mortar and masonry units. It creates a strong bond by penetrating porous surfaces, ensuring long-lasting and reliable construction.

Breathability and Moisture Control

Lime mortar is highly breathable, allowing moisture to evaporate quickly. This property reduces the risk of trapped moisture that could lead to damage due to freezing and thawing or salt crystallization.

Reduced Efflorescence

Efflorescence, the migration of soluble salts to the surface of masonry, is minimized with lime mortar due to its ability to manage moisture effectively. This helps maintain the appearance and integrity of structures.

Environmental Considerations

Lime is a naturally occurring material with lower carbon emissions compared to cement production. Its use aligns with sustainable and eco-friendly construction practices.

Lime’s unique properties make it a preferred choice in situations where breathability, flexibility, and compatibility with existing structures are paramount.

Fiber Reinforced Material

a photo of Mortar raw materials

Fiber-reinforced materials have found extensive application in improving the performance and characteristics of mortar, enhancing its strength, flexibility, durability, and crack resistance.

Improved Strength and Toughness

Fibers enhance the tensile strength and toughness of mortar, helping it resist cracking and deformation under stress. This is particularly valuable in applications where tensile strength is crucial, such as overlays and repairs.

Crack Control and Mitigation

Fibers act as crack arrestors by bridging microcracks that form during drying and curing. This helps prevent cracks from propagating and can improve the durability of the mortar.

Impact and Abrasion Resistance

Fiber-reinforced mortars exhibit improved impact and abrasion resistance, making them suitable for areas subject to high wear and tear, such as industrial floors and pavements.

Flexibility and Ductility

Fibers enhance the flexibility and ductility of mortar, allowing it to better accommodate minor movements and vibrations without fracturing.

Reduced Shrinkage and Cracking

The addition of fibers can help control drying shrinkage and minimize the formation of plastic shrinkage cracks that can occur in the early stages of curing.

Fiber-reinforced mortar’s ability to enhance the mechanical properties of mortar while improving resistance to various stresses and environmental factors has made them a valuable addition to modern construction practices.

Each mortar material contributes to the overall harmony of the mixture. Cement, aggregates, sand, water, additives, lime, and fiber reinforcements together determine the strength, durability, and workability of mortar. In-depth knowledge of these materials allows builders to craft mortar mixtures that perform well in a variety of construction applications. At the same time, this is also the entire introduction of this article. If there is anything you don’t understand, you can comment and leave a message. We will reply to everyone’s comments and messages one by one.

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