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Mortar transportation: what are the solutions - NFLG Dry Mortar Plant Supplier

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Mortar transportation: what are the solutions

July 27, 2023 jinchen 0 Comments

In the world of construction, mortar serves as the binding agent that holds bricks, blocks, and stones together to create sturdy and durable structures. However, for mortar to perform at its best, proper transportation from the production site to the construction site is essential. Mortar transportation is a critical process that ensures the integrity and quality of mortar during transit, ultimately contributing to the success of construction projects. In this article, we will explore the various aspects of mortar transportation, including methods, safety measures, challenges, and sustainable practices.

Transportation Methods for Mortar

a photo of Mortar transportation

Transporting dry mix mortar effectively is essential to ensure its quality and usability on construction sites. Here are some common methods and modes of dry-mix mortar transport:

Bulk Delivery

In this method, dry mix mortar is transported in bulk quantities using specialized bulk carriers or bulk bags.

Bulk delivery is suitable for large construction projects where a continuous supply of mortar is required.

The mortar is pneumatically conveyed or poured into silos or storage containers on-site, making it easily accessible for construction teams.

Bagged Delivery

Dry mix mortar can be packed in bags, usually made of durable plastic, paper, or woven polypropylene.

Bagged delivery is convenient for smaller construction sites or areas where bulk delivery is not feasible.

The bags come in various sizes, typically ranging from 20 to 50 kilograms, making them manageable for workers to handle.

Silo Transport

For medium to large construction projects, portable silos are used to transport and store dry mix mortar.

The silo can be loaded onto a truck or trailer and transported to the site. Once there, the dry mix mortar is discharged from the silo as needed.

Silo transport offers a continuous supply of mortar, reducing the need for frequent deliveries.

Mixer Trucks

Mixer trucks equipped with rotating drums are commonly used to transport dry mix mortar to construction sites.

The dry mortar components are loaded into the truck’s drum, and water is added when ready to use.

The rotating drum ensures the proper mixing of the components during transit, providing fresh mortar at the construction site.

Portable Batching Plants

In some cases, mobile or portable dry mix mortar batching plants are set up near the construction site.

These plants can produce fresh mortar on demand, ensuring a constant supply of high-quality mortar throughout the construction process.

Manual Transport

In smaller projects or areas with limited accessibility, workers may manually carry bags of dry mix mortar to the required locations.

While this method is labor-intensive, it can be suitable for low-volume applications.

The choice of dry mix mortar transport method depends on factors such as project size, distance to the construction site, equipment availability, and the specific requirements of the construction job. Proper transport and storage of dry mix mortar are essential to maintain its quality and performance characteristics.

Safety Measures During Mortar Transportation

a photo of Mortar transportation

Here are some safety measures to consider during its transportation:

Proper Packaging

Ensure that dry mix mortar bags are adequately sealed and packed to prevent spillage or leakage during transit.

Check for any damaged bags before loading them onto the transport vehicle.

Secure Stacking

Stack the bags properly and securely in the transport vehicle to prevent shifting or toppling during transport.

Use suitable dunnage or bracing to keep the bags stable.

Weight Distribution

Distribute the load evenly across the transport vehicle to maintain stability and prevent overloading on any one side.

Suitable Transport Vehicle

Choose an appropriate transport vehicle that can handle the weight and volume of the dry mix mortar load.

Ensure the vehicle is in good condition and equipped with safety features like proper tie-down points.

Driver Training

Ensure that the driver of the transport vehicle is adequately trained in handling heavy loads and is aware of the specific characteristics of transporting dry mix mortar.

Avoid Overloading

Adhere to weight limits and capacity guidelines of the transport vehicle.

Overloading can lead to accidents, increased braking distances, and reduced vehicle control.

Avoid Extreme Conditions

Avoid transporting dry mix mortar during adverse weather conditions such as heavy rain or snow, as it can affect the quality and workability of the cannon.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Provide appropriate PPE to personnel involved in the loading and unloading of the dry mix mortar, such as gloves and dust masks, especially if the mortar is prone to generating dust.

Emergency Equipment

Equip the transport vehicle with necessary emergency equipment, such as a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and warning signs.

Route Planning

Plan the transportation route carefully, considering any height restrictions, narrow roads, or other potential obstacles that could pose challenges during transport.

By adhering to these safety measures, you can ensure the safe transportation of dry mix mortar, reduce the risk of accidents, and protect both personnel and the integrity of the construction materials.

Ready-Mixed Mortar: Convenience and Advantages

a photo of Mortar transportation

Using ready-mixed mortar offers several conveniences and advantages in construction projects. Here are some of the conveniences and advantages of using ready-mixed mortar:


Ready-mixed mortar eliminates the need for on-site mixing, which saves significant time during construction.

Construction teams can start working immediately upon delivery, reducing downtime and speeding up the overall project timeline.

Consistent Quality

Ready-mixed mortar is manufactured in controlled conditions, ensuring consistent quality and uniformity in each batch.

This consistency leads to predictable and reliable results, improving the overall construction quality.


While the initial cost of ready-mixed mortar may be slightly higher than traditional on-site mixing, the overall cost-effectiveness is often higher due to the savings in labor, storage, and wastage.

It also helps minimize construction delays, which can incur additional expenses.

Reduced Labor

Since ready-mixed mortar is delivered in a pre-mixed form, it reduces the need for on-site labor involved in batching, mixing, and testing.

This streamlines the construction process and allows construction teams to focus on other critical tasks.

Increased Productivity

Ready-mixed mortar enables construction crews to work efficiently without spending time on mortar preparation.

This increased productivity can lead to faster project completion and improved project management.

Quality Control

Manufacturers of ready-mixed mortar implement stringent quality control measures to ensure the product meets industry standards and requirements.

This helps reduce the risk of defects or failures in the construction.

Reduced Waste

On-site mixing can result in overestimating the required mortar quantities, leading to wastage.

Ready-mixed mortar is supplied in exact quantities, reducing material waste and promoting environmental sustainability.

Health and Safety

Ready-mixed mortar reduces the on-site handling and exposure to cement and other ingredients, potentially reducing health and safety risks for construction workers.

Using ready-mixed mortar offers significant advantages in terms of time, cost, quality, and convenience, making it a popular choice for many construction projects, particularly those with time-sensitive schedules or complex requirements.

Mortar Pumping

a photo of Mortar transportation

A mortar pump is a specialized equipment designed to transport and apply mortar, grout, or other construction materials through a hose or pipe. Here are the key benefits of using a mortar pump for transport:

Precise Placement

Mortar pumps allow for precise and controlled placement of mortar at the desired location.

This level of accuracy is especially crucial in applications such as bricklaying, plastering, and concrete repair, where even distribution and consistent thickness are essential.

Increased Productivity

Using a mortar pump significantly increases the productivity of construction teams.

It eliminates the need for manual transportation of mortar and reduces the time and effort required for material application.

This leads to faster construction progress and shorter project completion times.


Mortar pumps can handle various construction materials, including various types of mortar, grout, stucco, and self-leveling compounds.

They are adaptable to different construction applications, making them a versatile choice on the job site.

Long-Distance Pumping

Mortar pumps are capable of delivering materials over long distances, reaching heights and spaces that may be challenging or impractical with manual methods.

This feature is especially useful in high-rise construction and large-scale projects.

Reduced Material Waste

Mortar pumps deliver a consistent flow of material, which helps minimize material waste compared to traditional manual methods, where over-application and spillage can occur.

Safer Working Environment

Using a mortar pump can improve on-site safety by reducing the need for manual material handling and minimizing the risk of worker injuries related to heavy lifting or awkward postures.

Enhanced Mixing and Blending

Some mortar pumps come with integrated mixers or agitators, ensuring that the mortar remains well-mixed and homogenous during transportation and application.

This ensures consistent material quality and performance.

Ability to Access Restricted Areas

Mortar pumps are designed to maneuver in tight and restricted spaces, allowing access to areas that may be challenging to reach with larger machinery or manual methods.

Remote Operation

Many modern mortar pumps are equipped with remote control systems, enabling operators to control the flow and placement of the material from a distance.

This enhances precision and control during material application.

Using a mortar pump for transport offers significant advantages in terms of efficiency, precision, safety, and versatility. It is a valuable addition to construction projects that require the reliable and efficient delivery of mortar or other construction materials.

Mortar Transportation Challenges and Solutions

a photo of Mortar transportation

Some common problems encountered during mortar transportation and their solutions include:


Problem: Mortar is a mixture of cement, sand, water, and sometimes additives. During transportation, the constituents of the mortar can segregate, leading to an inconsistent mix that affects its performance and workability.

Solution: To minimize segregation, ensure that the mortar is mixed thoroughly and consistently before loading it into the transportation container. Avoid excessive agitation during transport and use appropriate containers or mixers that can maintain the homogeneity of the mixture.

Setting time and workability

Problem: Mortar can start to set over time due to the presence of cement. This can result in reduced workability and difficulty in applying the mortar on-site.

Solution: Adjust the mix proportions based on the weather conditions and expected transportation time. Adding water-reducing agents or plasticizers can extend the mortar’s workability and delay its initial setting time, making it easier to work with when it arrives at the construction site.

Premature drying

Problem: Mortar may start to dry out during transportation, especially in hot and windy conditions. This can lead to reduced bond strength and poor adhesion.

Solution: Protect the mortar from exposure to direct sunlight, wind, and extreme temperatures during transportation. Cover the containers with wet burlap or plastic sheets to maintain moisture and prevent premature drying.

Container leakage

Problem: Mortar containers can sometimes leak during transportation, leading to the loss of materials and making a mess.

Solution: Ensure that the mortar containers are properly sealed and secured to prevent any leakage. Check for any cracks or damages in the containers before loading the mortar.


Problem: Mortar can get contaminated during transportation if it comes into contact with foreign materials, such as dirt, debris, or chemicals, which can affect its performance.

Solution: Transport mortar in clean and dedicated containers, away from other construction materials or potentially contaminating substances. Take precautions to prevent any spills or accidental mixing with foreign materials.

Transportation distance and time

Problem: Long transportation distances or extended travel times can affect the mortar’s properties and workability.

Solution: Plan the transportation route and schedule to minimize travel time. If the transportation time is significant, consider using retarders in the mortar mix to delay the setting time and maintain workability.

By addressing these common problems and implementing the suggested solutions, construction teams can ensure that the transported mortar remains of high quality and maintains its desired properties for effective and efficient use on the construction site.

Environmental Impact and Sustainable Practices

a photo of Mortar transportation

To minimize the environmental impact of mortar transportation, construction companies, and stakeholders can adopt more environmentally friendly transportation methods, including:

Efficient Route Planning

Optimize transportation routes to reduce travel distances and time, thereby decreasing fuel consumption and emissions.

Using digital mapping tools and real-time traffic information can help identify the most efficient routes.

Alternative Fuels

Transitioning from fossil fuels to cleaner and renewable energy sources can significantly reduce GHG emissions.

Electric or hybrid vehicles, powered by renewable energy, are a more environmentally friendly option for mortar transportation.

Bulk Transportation

Utilize bulk transportation methods whenever possible to reduce the number of trips needed to transport mortar.

Transporting larger quantities in one trip reduces fuel consumption and associated emissions.

Rail or Water Transport

Where feasible, consider using rail or water transport for longer distances.

These methods have lower carbon footprints compared to road transport and can be more energy-efficient.

Eco-friendly Vehicles

Look for vehicles with improved fuel efficiency and lower emissions when conventional transportation methods are unavoidable.

Construction Site Location

Strategically plan construction sites closer to the source of raw materials or local suppliers to minimize transportation distances and costs.

Use of Recycled or Local Materials

Use locally sourced materials and recycled content in the mortar mix to reduce the need for long-distance transportation of raw materials.

Eco-friendly Additives

Explore eco-friendly additives that can improve mortar properties while being less harmful to the environment.

Carpooling and Logistics Optimization

Encourage carpooling among workers and optimize logistics to reduce the number of vehicles involved in transportation.

a photo of Mortar transportation

Mortar transportation is a crucial aspect of construction projects that directly affects the quality and workability of mortar. By employing appropriate transportation methods, following safety measures, and embracing sustainable practices, construction professionals can ensure that mortar maintains its integrity and quality during transit. Proper mortar transportation contributes to successful construction endeavors, delivering robust and long-lasting structures that stand the test of time.

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