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What are the skills of mortar construction management? - NFLG Dry Mortar Plant Supplier

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What are the skills of mortar construction management? - NFLG Dry Mortar Plant Supplier

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What are the skills of mortar construction management?

Mortar construction management refers to the effective management and control of construction personnel, materials, equipment, etc. during the mortar construction process to ensure construction quality and work safety. This article will introduce the relevant content of mortar construction management and provide you with some practical management skills and experience.

Contents of mortar construction management

A photo of mortar construction management

Mortar construction management mainly includes the following aspects:

Personnel management

During the mortar construction process, the construction personnel needs to be managed and trained to ensure that they construction personnel has the necessary skills and knowledge. The main content of personnel management includes selection and training of construction personnel, safety education and training, construction site management, and coordination, etc.

Material management

During the mortar construction process, materials need to be managed and controlled to ensure the quality and stability of the materials. The main content of material management includes material procurement and acceptance, material storage and custody, material proportioning, and control, etc.

Device management

During the mortar construction process, various equipment and tools are needed, such as concrete mixers, mortar trowels, mortar pumps, etc. The main content of equipment management includes equipment selection and purchase, equipment use and maintenance, equipment repair, and replacement, etc.

Quality Control

During the mortar construction process, the construction quality needs to be managed and controlled to ensure that construction quality meets the relevant standards and requirements. The main content of quality management includes construction quality inspection and acceptance, construction quality records and statistics, construction quality improvement, and promotion, etc.

Safety management

During the mortar construction process, it is necessary to carry out safety management and control on the construction site to ensure the personal safety and property safety of construction personnel. The main content of safety management includes safety protection and management of the construction site, safety education and training, handling, and prevention of safety accidents, etc.

Skills and experience in mortar construction management

A photo of mortar construction management

Do the preparatory work

Before mortar construction management, it is necessary to carefully plan and design the construction project, formulate detailed construction plans and schemes, and fully prepare and deploy construction materials, equipment, and personnel.

Strengthen personnel training and management

In the process of mortar construction management, construction personnel are one of the most important factors. Therefore, adequate training and management of construction personnel are required to improve construction quality and work efficiency. Specific practices include:

(1) Conduct skill training and assessment for construction personnel to ensure that construction personnel have the necessary skills and knowledge;

(2) Strengthen safety education and training, and improve safety awareness and prevention capabilities of construction workers;

(3) Establish construction personnel files to record the construction personnel’s basic information, training, and work experience, etc., for easy management and use.

Establish a quality control system

In the process of mortar construction management, it is crucial to establish a quality control system. The quality control system should include quality inspection and acceptance standards, construction quality records and statistics, quality improvement, and promotion, etc. Specific practices include:

(1) Formulate quality inspection and acceptance standards, and conduct comprehensive and systematic inspection and acceptance of construction quality;

(2) Establish a construction quality record and statistics system, record and analyze the construction process and quality, and timely discover and correct quality problems;

(3) Continuously improve and enhance the quality control system, and strengthen the management and control of construction quality.

Strengthen safety management and preventive measures

In the process of mortar construction, safety management is very important. To ensure the safety of construction workers, it is necessary to strengthen safety management and preventive measures. Specific practices include:

(1) Establish a safety management system, formulate safety management rules and regulations and operating procedures;

(2) Carry out a comprehensive safety inspection and assessment of the construction site to discover and eliminate potential safety hazards;

(3) Strengthen safety education and training, and improve safety awareness and prevention capabilities of construction workers;

(4) Equip necessary safety protection equipment and equipment to ensure the personal safety and property safety of construction workers.

Reasonable use of materials and equipment

In the process of mortar construction, it is very important to use materials and equipment reasonably. Reasonable use of materials and equipment can effectively improve construction quality and work efficiency. Specific practices include:

(1) Select materials and equipment with stable quality and excellent performance;

(2) Strictly control the ratio and dosage of materials to ensure construction quality and work efficiency;

(3) Maintain and maintain materials and equipment, discover and deal with problems in time, and prolong the service life;

(4) Reasonably use materials and equipment, reduce waste and loss, and reduce construction costs.

Enhance coordination and communication

In the process of mortar construction management, it is very important to strengthen coordination and communication. Coordination and communication can effectively improve construction quality and work efficiency. Specific practices include:

(1) Establish a construction coordination mechanism to clarify the responsibilities and responsibilities of all parties;

(2) Strengthen communication and coordination at the construction site, solve problems in time, and avoid affecting construction progress and quality;

(3) Strengthen communication and coordination with the supervision unit and the owner to ensure that the construction progress and quality meet the contract requirements.

A photo of mortar construction management

Mortar construction management is a very important link in mortar construction. Strengthening the management of mortar construction can effectively improve construction quality and work efficiency, reduce construction costs, and at the same time ensure the safety and health of construction personnel. In actual work, it is necessary to formulate corresponding management measures and plans according to specific conditions, continuously improve and enhance the management level, and promote the healthy development of the mortar construction industry.

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