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How to optimize mortar chemical resistance - NFLG Dry Mortar Plant Supplier

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How to optimize mortar chemical resistance

April 28, 2023 jinchen 0 Comments

Mortar is a material commonly used in construction engineering. It is composed of raw materials such as cement, lime, and sand, and is used to fill brick joints and paint walls. However, due to the influence of environmental factors, mortar is easily attacked by chemical corrosion during use, resulting in its performance degradation or failure. Therefore, how to optimize the chemical corrosion resistance of mortar has become an important issue.

A picture of the mortar chemical resistance
A picture of the mortar chemical resistance

Choose the right raw material

The chemical corrosion resistance of mortar is closely related to its raw materials. Therefore, when preparing mortar, appropriate raw materials should be selected to improve the chemical corrosion resistance of the mortar. For example, high Portland cement can be used instead of ordinary Portland cement, because high Portland cement has a higher silicate content and better chemical corrosion resistance.

Control the water-cement ratio

The water-cement ratio refers to the ratio of water and cement or lime in mortar. The too large or too small a water-cement ratio will affect the performance of mortar, especially the chemical corrosion resistance. Therefore, when preparing mortar, the water-cement ratio should be well controlled to improve the chemical corrosion resistance of the mortar.

Add chemical additives

Adding chemical additives is one of the effective means to improve the chemical corrosion resistance of mortar. For example, additives such as setting retarders and anti-cracking agents can be added to improve the performance of mortar. Among them, the retarder can prolong the setting time of the cement and make the mortar easier to operate during the construction process; the anti-crack agent can improve the crack resistance of the mortar and reduce its risk of chemical corrosion.

Guaranteed environmental conditions

Environmental conditions are also one of the important factors affecting the chemical resistance of mortar. For example, during the construction process, it is necessary to ensure that the room is well-ventilated, and the mortar should not be exposed to a humid environment for a long time, so as not to cause chemical corrosion. In addition, environmental conditions should also be paid attention to during use to prevent the mortar from being corroded by chemical substances such as acid and alkali for a long time.

Enhanced protection measures

In construction projects, mortar is often exposed to the external environment for a long time, and is easily affected by wind, sun, rain, snow, freezing, etc., resulting in a decline in its performance. Therefore, when using mortar, its protection measures should be strengthened, such as using a sealing material to cover the surface to prevent it from being eroded by the outside world.

Do a good job in quality control

Finally, to improve the chemical resistance of mortar, quality control must be done well. In the process of mortar preparation, attention should be paid to the selection and ratio of raw materials, the water-cement ratio should be well controlled, and the monitoring of the construction site environment should be strengthened. At the same time, when using mortar, its performance should also be tested and evaluated, problems should be found in time and measures should be taken to repair and improve them.

A picture of the mortar chemical resistance

In short, the chemical corrosion resistance of mortar is a very important issue in construction engineering. By selecting appropriate raw materials, controlling the water-cement ratio, adding chemical additives, ensuring environmental conditions, strengthening protection measures, and doing a good job of quality control, the chemical corrosion resistance of mortar can be effectively improved, and its service life can be extended. Stability and reliability are guaranteed.

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