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What is plastering mortar? - NFLG Dry Mortar Plant Supplier

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What is plastering mortar? - NFLG Dry Mortar Plant Supplier

What is plastering mortar?

When it comes to achieving smooth, durable, and visually appealing surfaces, plastering mortar plays a crucial role. Whether you’re working on walls, ceilings, or other plastered surfaces, understanding the different types of plastering mortar, its composition, proper application techniques, and maintenance practices are essential. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the world of plastering mortar, providing you with valuable insights to master this crucial aspect of construction.

Types of Plastering Mortar

a photo of Plastering mortar

There are several types of plastering mortar used in construction, each with specific properties and applications. Here are some common types:

Cement-Based Plaster

Cement-based plaster is the most widely used type of plastering mortar. It is composed of cement, sand, and water.

Properties: Cement-based plaster offers good strength, durability, and adhesion. It provides a solid and robust finish that can withstand various weather conditions.

Applications: Cement-based plaster is suitable for both interior and exterior plastering. It is commonly used for plastering walls, ceilings, and other masonry surfaces in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.

Lime-Based Plaster

Lime-based plaster is made from lime, sand, and water. It is often used for its unique properties and aesthetic appeal.

Properties: Lime-based plaster is flexible and allows for slight movement and expansion. It offers good breathability, allowing moisture to escape, which can be beneficial in older or historic buildings. Lime-based plaster also has a softer appearance and a smoother finish.

Applications: Lime-based plaster is commonly used in historic restoration projects, as well as for interior plastering in areas where breathability and a traditional appearance are desired.

Gypsum-Based Plaster

Gypsum-based plaster, also known as plaster of Paris, is made from gypsum powder and water. It has excellent fire resistance and is easy to work with.

Properties: Gypsum-based plaster has good workability and sets quickly. It offers good sound insulation properties and is non-combustible.

Applications: Gypsum-based plaster is commonly used for interior plastering in residential and commercial buildings. It is suitable for creating smooth and even surfaces on walls and ceilings. It is also used for creating decorative elements and moldings.

Clay-Based Plaster

Clay-based plaster, also known as earthen plaster, is made from a mixture of clay, sand, fiber, and water. It is an eco-friendly and natural alternative to other types of plaster.

Properties: Clay-based plaster has excellent breathability, humidity regulation, and thermal properties. It is often chosen for its natural and textured appearance.

Applications: Clay-based plaster is commonly used in sustainable and eco-friendly construction projects. It is suitable for interior plastering, including walls and ceilings, where a natural and earthy aesthetic is desired.

Polymer-Modified Plaster

Polymer-modified plaster is a type of plastering mortar that includes polymer additives, such as acrylics or latex, to enhance its properties.

Properties: Polymer-modified plaster offers improved adhesion, flexibility, crack resistance, and workability. It can also provide enhanced water repellency and resistance to weathering.

Applications: Polymer-modified plaster is used in both interior and exterior plastering applications, where higher performance and durability are required. It is often chosen for areas prone to movement or exposure to moisture.

Composition of Plastering Mortar

a photo of Plastering mortar

Plastering mortar typically consists of a mixture of several components, each serving a specific purpose in the mortar formulation. The main components of plastering mortar and their roles are as follows:


The binder provides cohesion and holds the mortar together. It is the component that hardens and binds the other ingredients.

Common binders used in plastering mortar include cement (in cement-based mortar), lime (in lime-based mortar), gypsum (in gypsum-based mortar), or a combination of these.


Aggregates are inert materials that provide bulk and strength to the mortar. They contribute to the mechanical properties of the plaster.

The most common aggregate used in plastering mortar is sand. The sand particles provide stability, and workability, and help prevent cracking.

The size and grading of the sand can influence the workability and appearance of the plaster. The appropriate sand type and grading are selected based on the desired texture and application requirements.


Water is added to the mortar mixture to activate the binder and enable the hardening process. It acts as a medium for chemical reactions and helps in achieving proper workability.

The amount of water added should be carefully controlled to achieve the desired consistency and workability without compromising the strength and durability of the plaster.


Additives are optional components that can be included in plastering mortar to enhance specific properties or address certain requirements.

Common additives include plasticizers, air-entraining agents, fibers, setting accelerators or retarders, and water repellents.

Plasticizers improve workability and reduce water content while air-entraining agents introduce tiny air bubbles for improved freeze-thaw resistance. Fibers can enhance crack resistance, and setting accelerators or retarders modify the setting time of the mortar. Water repellents provide moisture resistance.

The proportions of these components in plastering mortar are determined based on the specific requirements of the project and the desired properties of the plaster. The proportions are typically specified as a ratio or percentage by weight or volume.

Proper proportioning of the components is crucial to achieving a well-balanced mortar with the desired workability, strength, and durability. The specific proportions depend on factors such as the type of plastering mortar, the application method, the environmental conditions, and any specific project specifications or standards.

Mixing Techniques for Plastering Mortar

a photo of Plastering mortar

Mixing techniques for plastering mortar are essential to achieve a uniform and consistent mixture that is workable and easy to apply. Here are some common mixing techniques for plastering mortar:

Hand Mixing

Hand mixing is suitable for small-scale plastering jobs or when access to mechanical mixers is limited.

Start by placing the required amount of sand in a clean mixing container or on a flat, clean surface.

Add the binder (e.g., cement, lime, or gypsum) to the sand and mix them using a shovel or hoe, ensuring even distribution of the binder particles.

Gradually add water while continuously mixing the mixture. Aim for a smooth and homogeneous consistency without any dry or lumpy areas.

Continue mixing until the mortar is workable, cohesive, and free from any lumps or clumps.

Mechanical Mixing

Mechanical mixing is commonly used for larger-scale plastering projects or when a consistent mix is required.

Use a mortar mixer, which can be either a drum mixer or a paddle mixer, depending on the project size and available equipment.

Start by adding the required amount of sand to the mixer.

Gradually introduce the binder into the sand while the mixer is running, allowing the components to blend thoroughly.

Slowly add water while the mixer is running, aiming for a smooth and uniform consistency.

Continue mixing for the recommended time specified by the manufacturer or until the mortar is well-mixed and workable.

Power Mixing

Power mixing, using a high-speed power drill with a mixing paddle attachment, is a convenient option for small to medium-sized plastering jobs.

Place the sand in a clean mixing container or on a clean surface, and add the binder.

Start the power drill and insert the mixing paddle into the mixture, ensuring it is securely attached.

Gradually add water while continuously mixing with the power drill and paddle attachment until the mortar reaches the desired workable consistency.

Regardless of the mixing technique used, it is important to follow these general guidelines:

Use clean mixing containers, tools, and surfaces to avoid contamination.

Ensure accurate measurement of the components to maintain the desired mortar proportions.

Mix the mortar thoroughly to achieve a consistent blend of the binder, aggregates, and water.

Avoid excessive mixing, which can introduce air bubbles or reduce workability.

Adjust the water content gradually to achieve the desired consistency, as adding too much water can weaken the mortar.

Always refer to the specific manufacturer’s guidelines and instructions for the plastering mortar being used, as mixing techniques and requirements may vary depending on the product.

Application of Plastering Mortar

a photo of Plastering mortar

Plastering mortar has a wide range of applications in the construction industry. Its primary purpose is to create a smooth, durable, and aesthetically pleasing finish on various surfaces. Here are some common applications of plastering mortar:

Interior Wall Plastering

Plastering mortar is commonly used for interior wall finishes. It provides a smooth and even surface, hiding imperfections and creating a visually appealing appearance.

Interior wall plastering can be done in residential, commercial, and institutional buildings, including homes, offices, schools, hospitals, and more.

Exterior Wall Plastering

Plastering mortar is also applied to exterior walls to provide protection, weather resistance, and an attractive finish.

Exterior wall plastering helps to protect the underlying structure from moisture, UV rays, and other environmental factors. It enhances the durability and lifespan of the building.

Ceiling Plastering

Plastering mortar is used for finishing and covering ceilings. It creates a smooth and uniform surface, concealing electrical wires, ducts, and other installations.

Ceiling plastering can be applied in residential, commercial, and industrial settings, including homes, offices, restaurants, shopping malls, and more.

Decorative and Textured Finishes

Plastering mortar offers versatility in creating decorative and textured finishes on walls and ceilings.

Various techniques, such as troweling, sponging, stenciling, or using decorative tools, can be employed to achieve different textures, patterns, or designs.

Restoration and Renovation

Plastering mortar plays a crucial role in the restoration and renovation of historic or damaged buildings.

It is used to repair or replace deteriorated plaster surfaces, ensuring structural integrity and preserving the historical or architectural significance of the building.

Plasterboard Jointing

Plastering mortar is used for jointing and finishing plasterboard or drywall systems.

It fills and smoothens the joints between plasterboard panels, creating a seamless and robust surface ready for painting or wallpapering.

Fire Protection

Plastering mortar, particularly gypsum-based plaster, offers fire-resistance properties.

It is used as a fireproofing measure to enhance the fire resistance of walls, ceilings, and structural elements in buildings.

These are just a few examples of the applications of plastering mortar. The versatility and adaptability of plastering mortar make it a fundamental material in the construction industry, providing both functional and aesthetic benefits. The specific application of plastering mortar depends on the project requirements, desired finish, environmental conditions, and other factors.

Curing, Drying, and Maintenance of Plastered Surfaces

a photo of Plastering mortar

Curing, drying, and maintenance of plastered surfaces are crucial steps in ensuring the long-term performance, durability, and aesthetic appeal of plastered finishes. Here’s why each of these aspects is important:


Curing refers to the process of providing adequate moisture to newly applied plaster to facilitate proper hydration and hardening of the plaster.

Proper curing is essential for the development of strength, durability, and dimensional stability of the plastered surface.

Curing helps to prevent premature drying, shrinkage, cracking, and surface defects in the plaster.

It allows the plaster to achieve its designed strength and enhances its resistance to moisture penetration, ensuring long-term performance.


After the curing period, the plastered surface needs to dry thoroughly.

Drying helps to eliminate excess moisture from the plaster, allowing it to reach its optimum strength and stability.

Proper drying is important to prevent moisture-related issues such as mold growth, efflorescence (salt deposits), and surface staining.

It also prepares the plastered surface for subsequent finishes, such as painting or wallpapering.


Regular maintenance of plastered surfaces is essential for preserving their appearance, durability, and performance over time.

Maintenance involves inspecting the plastered surfaces periodically for any signs of damage, wear, or deterioration.

Prompt repair of cracks, chips, or other defects is necessary to prevent further damage and ensure the longevity of the plastered surface.

Proper cleaning and maintenance routines help to remove dirt, stains, and pollutants, keeping the plastered surface in optimal condition.

Maintenance also involves addressing any issues related to moisture intrusion, such as leaks or dampness, which can lead to plaster deterioration.

By giving due attention to the curing, drying, and maintenance of plastered surfaces, the following benefits can be achieved:

Enhanced strength and durability: Proper curing and drying promote the development of the plaster’s strength and resistance to structural damage.

Reduced cracking and surface defects: Adequate curing minimizes the risk of shrinkage cracks and surface imperfections.

Improved aesthetics: Curing and drying contribute to a smoother, more even surface finish, enhancing the visual appeal of the plastered area.

Longevity of the plaster: Regular maintenance helps to address any issues before they escalate, extending the lifespan of the plastered surface.

Protection against moisture-related problems: Proper curing, drying, and maintenance mitigate the risk of moisture-related issues, such as mold growth, efflorescence, or degradation.

Maintenance and Repair of Plastered Surfaces

a photo of Plastering mortar

Maintaining and repairing the surface of plastering mortar is important to preserve its appearance, durability, and performance over time. Here are some guidelines for maintaining and repairing plastered surfaces:

Regular Inspection

Conduct periodic inspections of the plastered surfaces to identify any signs of damage, cracks, or wear.

Look for areas where the plaster has become loose, chipped, or discolored.


Regularly clean the plastered surface to remove dirt, dust, and stains.

Use a soft brush or cloth to gently wipe the surface.

Avoid using abrasive cleaners or harsh chemicals that may damage the plaster.

Repairing Cracks

If you notice any cracks in the plaster, it’s important to address them promptly to prevent further damage.

Clean out the crack using a small brush or a vacuum cleaner to remove loose debris and dust.

Apply a suitable crack repair compound or filler recommended for plaster repairs. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application.

Smooth out the repair compound using a putty knife or a trowel, ensuring it blends seamlessly with the surrounding plaster.

Allow the repair compound to dry and cure as per the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Patching Holes or Damaged Areas

For larger holes or damaged areas in the plaster, a patching technique may be necessary.

Clean the area around the hole or damaged area, removing loose plaster and debris.

Prepare a plaster patching compound or mix a small batch of fresh plaster following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Apply the plaster patching compound or fresh plaster to the damaged area, using a trowel or putty knife.

Smooth and level the patch to match the surrounding plaster surface.

Allow the patch to dry and cure thoroughly.

Finishing and Blending

After any repairs, it’s important to ensure a smooth and seamless blend with the surrounding plaster.

Use sandpaper or a sanding block to gently smooth out the repaired area, creating a uniform surface.

Feather the edges of the repair to blend it with the surrounding plaster, avoiding noticeable transitions.

Repainting or Refinishing

If necessary, repaint or refinish the plastered surface to restore its original appearance.

Ensure the repaired area is completely dry and clean before applying paint or other finishes.

Follow appropriate painting or refinishing techniques and use suitable products for plastered surfaces.

Remember, it is important to consult with professionals or experts if you are uncertain about the repair process or if you encounter significant damage. They can provide guidance based on the specific plaster type and repair requirements. Additionally, following manufacturer recommendations and industry best practices for maintenance and repair will help ensure the best results and long-term durability of the plastered surface.

a photo of Plastering mortar

Mastering the art of plastering mortar is crucial for achieving smooth, durable, and visually appealing surfaces in your construction projects. By understanding the types of plastering mortar, its composition, proper application techniques, and maintenance practices, you can ensure excellent results that stand the test of time. Remember to choose the right type of plastering mortar for your project, follow proper mixing and application techniques, and provide adequate curing, drying, and maintenance for plastered surfaces. With these insights, you’re well on your way to becoming a skilled plasterer and achieving outstanding plastered finishes.

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