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Precautions for the use of thermal insulation mortar - NFLG Dry Mortar Plant Supplier

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Precautions for the use of thermal insulation mortar - NFLG Dry Mortar Plant Supplier

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Precautions for the use of thermal insulation mortar

April 18, 2023 jinchen 0 Comments

Insulating mortar is an important building material with excellent thermal insulation performance, which can reduce the energy consumption of buildings and improve indoor comfort. This article will discuss the basic characteristics, types, construction methods, and precautions of thermal insulation mortar.

A photo of insulation mortar

The basic characteristics of insulation mortar

A photo of insulation mortar

Mortar is a material made of special insulation materials mixed with common building materials such as cement and lime, and has the following basic characteristics:

Excellent heat insulation performance: Heat mortar can effectively isolate the heat transfer between indoors and outdoors, and reduce energy consumption.

Green and environmental protection: The heat mortar is made of environmentally friendly materials, does not contain harmful substances, and meets the national environmental protection requirements.

Strong durability: After construction, the heat mortar can maintain the heat insulation effect for a long time, and it is not easy to age and crack.

Easy construction: The construction of heat mortar is simple and can be directly painted on the wall surface, which reduces the difficulty and cost of construction.

Types of insulation mortar

According to different material compositions and uses, thermal mortar can be divided into the following types:

Polystyrene particle heat insulation mortar: This kind of heat mortar uses polystyrene particles as the main heat material, which has good heat insulation performance and durability.

Polyurethane heat insulation mortar: This kind of heat mortar uses polyurethane as the main heat insulation material, which has excellent heat insulation performance and adhesion.

Vitrified microbead heat insulation mortar: This kind of heat mortar uses vitrified microbeads as the main heat insulation material, which has the characteristics of light weight, good heat insulation performance, and strong durability.

Fly ash heat insulation mortar: This kind of heat insulation mortar uses fly ash as the main heat insulation material, and has good heat insulation performance and environmental protection performance.

Other insulation mortars: In addition to the above types, there are also some mortars with fiber materials and slag as the main materials.

The construction method of heat insulation mortar

The construction method of thermal mortar is relatively simple, generally divided into the following steps:

Wall surface cleaning: The wall surface needs to be cleaned before construction to ensure that the surface of the wall surface is clean and dust-free, to facilitate the bonding of the thermal mortar.

Base treatment: It is necessary to check the flatness and strength of the base, if there is any unevenness or cracks, it needs to be repaired.

Apply primer: After the base treatment, it is necessary to apply a layer of primer to enhance the adhesion between the wall surface and the mortar.

Applying thermal mortar: After the primer is dry, you can start to apply thermal mortar. Generally, you can use scraper, scraper, spraying, and other methods for construction.

Surface coating: After the mortar construction is completed, a layer of waterproof paint or decorative surface can be painted on the surface to increase the aesthetics and waterproof performance of the building.

Precautions for heat insulation mortar

A photo of insulation mortar

During the construction of thermal mortar, the following issues need to be paid attention to:

Material selection: It is necessary to purchase heat mortar produced by regular manufacturers to ensure quality and safety.

Base treatment: The base treatment of the wall needs to be done carefully to ensure that the base is flat and the strength reaches the standard, otherwise it will affect the construction effect of the thermal mortar.

Construction environment: The construction of heat-insulating mortar needs to be carried out in an environment with a suitable temperature, and construction in a low-temperature or high-temperature environment should be avoided.

Construction tools: The construction of thermal mortar requires the use of professional scrapers, scrapers, spraying, and other tools to ensure construction quality.

Construction sequence: Attention should be paid to the construction sequence of the heat mortar, first apply the primer, then apply the heat insulation mortar, and finally apply the surface coating.

Heat insulation mortar also needs to pay attention to the following issues

The thickness of the heat insulation mortar needs to be selected according to the actual situation. If it is too thin, it will affect the heat insulation effect, and if it is too thick, it will increase the difficulty and cost of construction.

The protection measures of the heat insulation mortar need to be done well to avoid the influence of direct sunlight and rainwater immersion during the construction process.

The maintenance of the insulation mortar needs to be carried out regularly, and if cracks or damage are found, it needs to be repaired in time to ensure its insulation performance and service life.

A photo of insulation mortar

In conclusion, a thermal insulation mortar is an excellent building material with important thermal insulation and environmental protection properties and has been widely used in the construction industry. In the process of using heat-insulating mortar, it is necessary to pay attention to the purchase of materials from regular manufacturers, base-level treatment, control of the construction environment, professional construction tools, and correct construction sequence to ensure the construction effect and service life of the heat-insulating mortar.

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